作者 | 论文题目 | 期刊名称 | 卷期号 | 类别 |
王储炎 | First Report of Silk Tree (Albiziajulibrissin) Wilt Caused by Fusarium proliferatum in AnhuiProvince of China | Plant Disease | 2019,103(11) | 一类 |
王储炎 | White mulberry fruitpolysaccharides enhance endothelial nitric oxide production torelax arteries in vitro and reduce blood pressure in vivo | Biomedicine &Pharmacotherapy | 2019,116 | 一类 |
王储炎 | The Compositional Analysis andAntihypertensive Activity of Polysaccharides from White MulberryFruit | Current Topics in NutraceuticalResearch | 2019,17(1) | 一类 |
王储炎 | Antihypertensive and AntioxidantProperties of Sialic Acid, the Major Component of Edible Bird'sNests | Current Topics inNutraceutical Research | 2019,17(4) | 一类 |
王储炎 | Optimization of ExtractionParameters for Blueberry Anthocyanins | Current Topics in NutraceuticalResearch | 2019,17(4) | 一类 |
鲍腾 | Green synthesis of Fe3O4@ Carbonfilter media for simultaneous phosphate recovery and nitrogenremoval from domestic wastewater in biological aerated filters | ACS Sustainable Chemistry &Engineering | 2019,7(19) | 一类 |
鲍腾 | Rectorite-supported nano-Fe3O4composite materials as catalyst for P-chlorophenol degradation:Preparation, characterization, and mechanism | Applied Clay Science | 2019,176 | 一类 |
鲍腾 | Green synthesis and application ofnanoscale zero-valent iron/rectorite composite material forP-chlorophenol degradation via heterogeneous Fenton reaction | Journal of Saudi ChemicalSociety | 2019,23(7) | 一类 |
鲍腾 | Use of autoclaved aerated concreteparticles for simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorus asfilter media from domestic wastewater | Environmental technology | 2019 | 一类 |
笪春年 | Sediment records of polybrominateddiphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in Huaihe River, China: Implications forhistorical production and household usage of PBDE-containingproducts | Environmental Pollution | 2019,254 | 一类 |
朱小磊 | A micromilled microgrid sensor withdelaminated MXene-bismuth nanocomposite assembly for simultaneouselectrochemical detection of lead (II), cadmium (II) and zinc (II) | Microchimica Acta | 2019,186(12) | 一类 |
巫杨 | Enhanced removal of ammonium fromthe aqueous solution using a high-gravity rotating packed bedloaded with clinoptilolite | Separation and PurificationTechnology | 2019,221 | 一类 |
邓呈逊 | Decomposition of Carbon DisulfideUsing Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Coupled with Limoniteand Siderite Supported Bismuth Vanadate Catalysts | Aerosol and Air Quality Research | 2019,19(10) | 一类 |
李玉晖 | Walnut Shell Powder Can Limit AcidMine Drainage Formation by Shaping the Bacterial CommunityStructure | Current microbiology | 2019,76(10) | 一类 |
蔡悦 | 广东省鼎湖山国家级自然保护区球孢白僵菌遗传多样性研究 | 华南农业大学学报 | 2019, 40(1) | 二类 |
蔡悦 | 合欢枯萎病菌的分离鉴定和培养特性 | 浙江农业学报 | 2019, 31(4) | 二类 |
王储炎 | 应用型高校食品专业实践创新能力的培养 | 食品工业 | 2019,40(1) | 三类 |
王储炎 | 安徽省主栽蓝莓果实的综合品质研究 | 中国南方果树 | 2019,48(2) | 三类 |
笪春年 | 淮河(安徽段)沉积柱中有机氯农药的垂直分布特征 | 安庆师范大学学报 | 2019,254 | 三类 |
陈玲 | 基于案例的扶志教育在贫困大学生就业中的作用与路径研究 | 六盘水师范学院学报 | 2019,31 | 三类 |
晋松 | 三种冷季型草坪草对四氯乙烯胁迫的抗性响应 | 生物学杂志 | 2019,36 | 三类 |
陈俊 | UV/O3/Fenton氧化工艺处理垃圾渗滤液效果研究 | 佳木斯大学学报(自然科学版) | 2019,37(4) | 三类 |
张金流 | 巢湖西半湖水体中颗粒有机碳浓度季节变化及其来源研究 | 蚌埠学院学报 | 2019,8(2) | 三类 |
张金流 | 羽绒洗涤剂洗涤效果的影响因素研究 | 佳木斯大学学报 | 2019,37(1) | 三类 |
肖厚荣 | 低聚壳聚糖制备工艺优化研究 | 合肥学院学报(综合版) | 2019,02 | 三类 |
肖厚荣 | 聚合氯化铝-壳聚糖对废水除磷性能的研究 | 安庆师范大学学报(自然版) | 2019,03 | 三类 |
刘盛萍 | EDTA调控下高羊茅对铅、镉、锌污染土壤的修复潜力 | 蚌埠学院学报 | 2019,8(2) | 三类 |
丁海涛 | 光合细菌处理黑臭水体影响因素的研究 | 合肥学院学报 | 2019,36(5) | 三类 |
李菁 | 蛋清肽水解工艺及饮料配方的优化研究 | 食品工业 | 2019,40(3) | 三类 |
阚劲松 | 短小芽孢杆菌碱性β-葡萄糖苷酶在毕赤酵母中的表达及酶学性质研究 | 食品与机械 | 2019,35,9 | 三类 |
吴环 | 改性茯苓面条的制备及其免疫增强功能 | 合肥学院学报 | 2019,36(5) | 三类 |
李珂昕 | 干燥方式对蓝莓果粉品质的影响 | 中国南方果树 | 2019,6 | 三类 |
夏潇潇 | 花生中致敏蛋白Arah6 的分离纯化实验研究 | 粮食与油脂 | 2019,32(6) | 三类 |