Featured Cover Paper by a HFU’s Postgraduate Student Published in an Influential SCI Journal


    Gao Wenjie’s paper, is recently published by Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (IF=3.720) as the featured cover one, co-directed by Professor Wu Ke and Senior Technician Wei Xinlai.

    Since his admission by HFU as a postgraduate of environmental engineering in 2019, Gao remarked frankly that he could barely remember how many days he had spent in the lab preparing for his papers on the SCI journals. Since every experiment took quite a long time, Gao, busy recording data and results, felt tortured each time when something wrong happened to the experiments. Self-doubt almost led to his giving up, but he made it in the end.

    As his postgraduate program continues, Gao published, as the first author, three other academic papers on SCI journals with one of them being the “editors’ choice”, and one in Chinese core journal. In addition, he applied for 3 patents and got authorized 2 utility model ones.  

    “I’ve never been really extraordinary and I’ll stick to my ambition till it gets fulfilled,” Gao remarks.